Something as DISGUSTING as this would wake anybody up from a coma!!

Just read what the most respected newspaper in Malaysia has to say about these 2 shameless people:
"NST reported that the couple had turned an abandoned toilet at the Gemas railway station into their home in March, after Ismail was employed to upkeep some new toilets located nearby.
They had used wooden planks and plastic to cover leaks and the toilet bowls."
At first, I was like "Wow, what a romantic story..." 2 persons, already 70 and 68 years old, who love each other SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH that they don't mind living in a tiny shithole (literally!) converted from a public toilet, while keeping themselves alive with a dirty, dead end job of washing toilets, which doesn't even pay enough for them taking public transport to collect medicine from the nearest hospital -- for the past 18 years.
-- so long as they have each other;
-- so long as they could grow older and older and sicker and frailer with each other, day after day;
-- so long as they can spend the last few remaining years, or even months or weeks, of each other's lifes together, until one of them slowly fades away...
-- so long as when one of them died, the other is holding his/her body in her/his arms, in this tiny paradise of love which belongs to them and them alone...
As they say in Hollywood movies,
“ be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow... to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live."
Look at our young people today -- do they still understand what is 'love' anymore? Ask yourselves -- would you have married your husband if he only has a deadend, shit job of cleaning toilets, while both of you can only afford to live in a shithole the size of a public toilet?
For the blokes -- would you have worked till you drop dead just to keep both of you alive even though the only way to make an honest living for you and your wife is to clean other people's shit and lives in a shithole?
I don't think any of you would have lasted 18 hours like that, let alone 18 years.
I say we should make a movie about this extraordinary couple so that we can teach our kids HOW TO REALLY LOVE SOMEBODY, something most of them no longer knows how to do anymore. Maybe they should start teaching our kids how to love, instead of all the junk they teach in schools nowadays?
You might have been seduced by the romance of the story like me but wait a minute -- just read the headline:
'Abandoned toilet couple' not married
What the....!!!
NOT MARRIED?!? NOT MARRIED?!? Plague be on both your houses!!!!!!
To be perfectly honest with you, those 2 words totally changed my perception of the entire story, and completely destroyed my sympathy and admiration of this couple! I'm sure that as a pious and God-fearing person yourself, my dear reader, you would feel the same as well.
I feel so deceived, to be perfectly honest with you. When I first read the story, I was so touched, I wanted to cry for them! But now, to be perfectly honest with you again, I just want to see those 2 disgusting motherfuckers STONED TO DEATH or beheaded in Pasar Seni.
How dare they commit zina/adultery and khalwat/close proximity?!?!
In the name of ‘love’??? I say hell is their eternal abode!!
“because you love me”??!! Hell is their eternal abode!!
“I will always love you”??!! Hell is their eternal abode!!
Did I hear you say "Let them live the remainder of their lives as they wish, they are old adults, they know what they are doing"??!! Have you forgotten your Al-Amr Bil-Ma'roof Wa An-Nahy 'An Al-Munkar?! Didn't they teach you fardh 'ain and fardh kifaya?! What the hell kind of trash are they teaching you people in the religious classes nowadays???!!
Listen up, boys and girls, as uncle Aisehman said, It's A Sin!!
This shameful life of these 2 shameless people is even more disgusting than the toilets they are staying in. This is the perfect example of how the western ideas of ‘love’ have CORRUPTED not only our innocent, ignorant youths, but also our elderly, who have lived long enough to see enough crazy shit in life, and who are much more mature and know much better than you and I about what does life really mean, what is most important in life after all.
To hell with you, GREAT SATAN’s Hollywood!! DOWN WITH AMERICA!!! "Till death doth us part" my ass!!! Hell is definitely their eternal abode!!
Of course, while we shame the evildoers and hypocrites amongst us, we must not forget to honour our mujaheedeen too, the hero of the ummah, the defender of the faith!
You're the MAN, TUN Mizan Maulud!!! What would the UMMAH do without u!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISES AND THANKS TO GOD FOR Y-OOOOO-OOOOOOOOO-OOO—–UUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!
Yes, we can!! ;-P
Keep it up, our hero!!
(Incidentally, before you decide to denigrate our wise sister Munirah's enlightened, wise, incisive comments that “covering up” according to Islamic precepts was important to fend off social ills, including “rape, sexual harassment and even premarital sex" by cheekily pointing out to us that the makcik in the above report did cover up herself with a tudung/scarf but still (most probably have, I have full confidence in pakcik) committed extra-marital sex, or at least some 'social ill'... you are dead wrong!!
Why you are dead wrong?? Well, because... my ustaz says you are wrong!!!
You want to ask me the same question again because I did not actually answer your question?? ...Alright, that's it -- because you don't understand the religion, so you don't have the right to criticise it, just shut the fuck up, will ya?!!)
The full report from NST is reproduced here. The MOST DISGUSTING part of the report is the title, as I'm sure you would agree:
'Abandoned toilet couple' not married
TAMPIN: It has been revealed that the poverty-stricken elderly couple who turned an abandoned toilet into their home are not legally married. They have been living together for the past 18 years.
The story of Ismail Mat, 70, and Rahimah Jolan, 68, was highlighted in the New Straits Times on April 4, and touched the hearts of many.
They were given a new house in the hardcore poor housing scheme in Kampung Tengah, Gemenceh, and a RM300 monthly allowance each. Television station NTV7 had given them RM2,000 and some groceries, and many others came forward to help.
State Welfare Department director Mizan Maulud said the couple's secret came to light after the department received a tip-off.
"We then asked the religious department to investigate, and were surprised when we found out that Ismail, from Jelebu, and Rahimah, from Jasin, Malacca are not married. Rahimah even has a husband who is still alive and well," he said.
The couple have been separated. Rahimah is in a welfare home in Cheng, Malacca, while Ismail is still living in their house in Kampung Tengah.
NST reported that the couple had turned an abandoned toilet at the Gemas railway station into their home in March, after Ismail was employed to upkeep some new toilets located nearby.
They had used wooden planks and plastic to cover leaks and the toilet bowls."
"NST reported that the couple had turned an abandoned toilet at the Gemas railway station into their home in March, after Ismail was employed to upkeep some new toilets located nearby.
They had used wooden planks and plastic to cover leaks and the toilet bowls."
At first, I was like "Wow, what a romantic story..." 2 persons, already 70 and 68 years old, who love each other SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH that they don't mind living in a tiny shithole (literally!) converted from a public toilet, while keeping themselves alive with a dirty, dead end job of washing toilets, which doesn't even pay enough for them taking public transport to collect medicine from the nearest hospital -- for the past 18 years.
-- so long as they have each other;
-- so long as they could grow older and older and sicker and frailer with each other, day after day;
-- so long as they can spend the last few remaining years, or even months or weeks, of each other's lifes together, until one of them slowly fades away...
-- so long as when one of them died, the other is holding his/her body in her/his arms, in this tiny paradise of love which belongs to them and them alone...
As they say in Hollywood movies,
“ be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow... to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live."
Look at our young people today -- do they still understand what is 'love' anymore? Ask yourselves -- would you have married your husband if he only has a deadend, shit job of cleaning toilets, while both of you can only afford to live in a shithole the size of a public toilet?
For the blokes -- would you have worked till you drop dead just to keep both of you alive even though the only way to make an honest living for you and your wife is to clean other people's shit and lives in a shithole?
I don't think any of you would have lasted 18 hours like that, let alone 18 years.
I say we should make a movie about this extraordinary couple so that we can teach our kids HOW TO REALLY LOVE SOMEBODY, something most of them no longer knows how to do anymore. Maybe they should start teaching our kids how to love, instead of all the junk they teach in schools nowadays?
You might have been seduced by the romance of the story like me but wait a minute -- just read the headline:
'Abandoned toilet couple' not married
What the....!!!
NOT MARRIED?!? NOT MARRIED?!? Plague be on both your houses!!!!!!
To be perfectly honest with you, those 2 words totally changed my perception of the entire story, and completely destroyed my sympathy and admiration of this couple! I'm sure that as a pious and God-fearing person yourself, my dear reader, you would feel the same as well.
I feel so deceived, to be perfectly honest with you. When I first read the story, I was so touched, I wanted to cry for them! But now, to be perfectly honest with you again, I just want to see those 2 disgusting motherfuckers STONED TO DEATH or beheaded in Pasar Seni.
How dare they commit zina/adultery and khalwat/close proximity?!?!
In the name of ‘love’??? I say hell is their eternal abode!!
“because you love me”??!! Hell is their eternal abode!!
“I will always love you”??!! Hell is their eternal abode!!
Did I hear you say "Let them live the remainder of their lives as they wish, they are old adults, they know what they are doing"??!! Have you forgotten your Al-Amr Bil-Ma'roof Wa An-Nahy 'An Al-Munkar?! Didn't they teach you fardh 'ain and fardh kifaya?! What the hell kind of trash are they teaching you people in the religious classes nowadays???!!
Listen up, boys and girls, as uncle Aisehman said, It's A Sin!!
This shameful life of these 2 shameless people is even more disgusting than the toilets they are staying in. This is the perfect example of how the western ideas of ‘love’ have CORRUPTED not only our innocent, ignorant youths, but also our elderly, who have lived long enough to see enough crazy shit in life, and who are much more mature and know much better than you and I about what does life really mean, what is most important in life after all.
To hell with you, GREAT SATAN’s Hollywood!! DOWN WITH AMERICA!!! "Till death doth us part" my ass!!! Hell is definitely their eternal abode!!
Of course, while we shame the evildoers and hypocrites amongst us, we must not forget to honour our mujaheedeen too, the hero of the ummah, the defender of the faith!
You're the MAN, TUN Mizan Maulud!!! What would the UMMAH do without u!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISES AND THANKS TO GOD FOR Y-OOOOO-OOOOOOOOO-OOO—–UUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!
Yes, we can!! ;-P
Keep it up, our hero!!
(Incidentally, before you decide to denigrate our wise sister Munirah's enlightened, wise, incisive comments that “covering up” according to Islamic precepts was important to fend off social ills, including “rape, sexual harassment and even premarital sex" by cheekily pointing out to us that the makcik in the above report did cover up herself with a tudung/scarf but still (most probably have, I have full confidence in pakcik) committed extra-marital sex, or at least some 'social ill'... you are dead wrong!!
Why you are dead wrong?? Well, because... my ustaz says you are wrong!!!
You want to ask me the same question again because I did not actually answer your question?? ...Alright, that's it -- because you don't understand the religion, so you don't have the right to criticise it, just shut the fuck up, will ya?!!)
The full report from NST is reproduced here. The MOST DISGUSTING part of the report is the title, as I'm sure you would agree:
'Abandoned toilet couple' not married
TAMPIN: It has been revealed that the poverty-stricken elderly couple who turned an abandoned toilet into their home are not legally married. They have been living together for the past 18 years.
The story of Ismail Mat, 70, and Rahimah Jolan, 68, was highlighted in the New Straits Times on April 4, and touched the hearts of many.
They were given a new house in the hardcore poor housing scheme in Kampung Tengah, Gemenceh, and a RM300 monthly allowance each. Television station NTV7 had given them RM2,000 and some groceries, and many others came forward to help.
State Welfare Department director Mizan Maulud said the couple's secret came to light after the department received a tip-off.
"We then asked the religious department to investigate, and were surprised when we found out that Ismail, from Jelebu, and Rahimah, from Jasin, Malacca are not married. Rahimah even has a husband who is still alive and well," he said.
The couple have been separated. Rahimah is in a welfare home in Cheng, Malacca, while Ismail is still living in their house in Kampung Tengah.
NST reported that the couple had turned an abandoned toilet at the Gemas railway station into their home in March, after Ismail was employed to upkeep some new toilets located nearby.
They had used wooden planks and plastic to cover leaks and the toilet bowls."
so what they r not married. they must have their reasons. maybe the woman just can't get any justice from our court system for a divorce from her husband. maybe she was abused before. at least they have each other. to love and feel love is a wonderful thing. our society should not be quick to punish them. help them, find out their real reasons. m'sians, pls don't act like everyone's moral guardian
Juslo, if this piece is not written by you, I would have spend an afternoon giving you a piece of my mind...and it's gonna be a long one...
I know the meaning behind this post, (i think!) let's wait for those who read your post at face value and comment...
i'm waiting for them too...
i wonder where have they been - there were a few of them in the Lim Goh Tong piece... ;P
I've lived long enough to not become judgmental until I get the whole story. There are may "perhaps-s" to begin with. For instance, perhaps rahimah's legal husband is a wife beating drunkard asshole who refuse to divorce his wife (after all it's the malay men's syndrom if you ask me to not divorce and gantung their women tanpa tali). Maybe that is why she could not marry the man she truly love, ismail. Who knows. I'd rather leave this judging stuff to god. After all, these two did not impose any harm on the others.
"gantung their women tanpa tali" - i know a few of the women who r caught in that position too.
it's very easy for the men to divorce their wives (that 3 sms thingy might b an isolated, extreme case, n might not b allowed anymore, but in reality it's not that difficult compared to 3 sms), but it's very very difficult for the wife to divorce the husband.
gender equality my ass.
"After all, these two did not impose any harm on the others."
u r dead wrong - the same argument was used in the Lina Joy case by all the 'defenders of the faith' but the 'fact' is, it creates 'chaos n instability' in the UMMAH bcos others might b 'influenced' by it. u know, "how come he can get out/sin but i cant" sort of argument.
u must remember that we MUST ALWAYS PROTECT the MOST VULNERABLE social group in our country. it's our divine duty to make everybody toe the line, for crying out loud.
Believing in 'Islam' Would Make You Stupid and Vulnerable?
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