The most creative comedy in recent years, one of the best ever (well, according to me at least...).
Borat is a Cambridge-educated prankster. The dumbest thing any person could do - let alone a whole country - is to underestimate him by taking him seriously, again and again (until you finally see the joke and respond with some humour) -- because his jokes are funny if and only if people take him seriously.
In other words, the joke is not really on Kazakhstan, and it's actually not him who is hilarious or talking like an idiot, but those who responded seriously -- on and off the screen. Those who got angry at his jokes are only providing an 'extension' or 'continuation' to his jokes, becoming part of the entertainment -- because their responses have indirectly exposed just how 'slow' they were (in not getting the joke), and how they ended up -- often inadvertently -- helping to complete it.
But one thing the Glorious Nation of Malaysia should ponder over is the room given to the freedom of expression for sophisticated, creative talents (not just in the arts). I would LOVE to see an American or British -style political/social satire show on our national TVs someday. (I hope that will happen during my lifetime...)
So, Malaysia -- are we mature enough to handle this? Do we have a sophisticated enough sense of humour to appreciate (let alone to produce) such brilliant artists?? If it was Malaysia which was 'picked on' instead of Kazakhstan, what would we have said or done??!! (Demonstrations in front of the British High Commission?)
Some food for thought:
"As the Internet invades more aspects of everyday life, its addressing system is not just a matter of free expression, but also a matter of freedom of assembly and ultimately, freedom of thought. That is why the deletion of one comedian's Web site and other small skirmishes in cyberspace are as troubling as they are funny."
p.s. Go and see it if the movie comes to Malaysian movie theatres. I hope you'll love it -- if you are broad minded enough to 'get it'. [Warning: Not suitable for people with heart or mind problems (either too weak or too 'narrow') or who take life a little too seriously.]
Off topic: just to inform I re-traversed the Plagiarism topic at rockybru's and appreciated your excghanges under Half blind, came here and left a belated comment on that topic at thy Nov 2's post. Cheers:)
PS: My post Nov 4 related -- Plagiarism and wolves baying for blood
Offf topicc 2X, juslo, but i know you won't mine!
I just visited bookaholic.blogspot.com where the host reprised the discussion on Plagiarism. I visited dare after a DreamerI interacted constantly the past few days; I promoted your site a lil and intimated some 30% is due... ala-a Post-Script~~
"PS: the host @juslo.blogspot.com had writ a series of essays on P worth a reading if you don't mind paying me a dime for his promotion. Okay, biblio, I'd cut thee in for 30. the usual M tradition! Frankly, on the last, I don;t know which ruling or oppo politikus to attribute. "
December 03, 2006 11:29 AM
hi desiderata, i don't mind graffiti, n thanks for the 'promo'!! hope u get your '30' soon... ;P
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